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Note: In this guide, we will use a third-party service to bypass or solve the captchas.
There are many services that we can use to solve CATPTCHAs but I recommend Capsolver because, this service use Ai to solve the captchas which can be more accurate and fast than those services that solves the captchas manually
What are Captchas?
CAPTCHAs, which stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart,” are used on websites to distinguish between human users and automated bots or scripts. They are often implemented to protect websites from various forms of abuse, including web scraping.
Types of captchas:
Some most commonly used CAPTCHAs are given below.
You can find code examples of these solutions in this repository
1. “I am not a robot CAPTCHAs”:
The “I am not a robot” CAPTCHA is a common type of CAPTCHA that you encounter on various websites to confirm that you are a human user and not an automated bot. It typically involves a checkbox or a similar user interface element with the label “I am not a robot.” To pass this CAPTCHA, you usually need to click on the checkbox to indicate that you are indeed a human user.

How to solve it?
This captcha can be solved by using any automation framework that you are using i.e. selenium and playwright, etc.
Just find the clickable box element and click on it.
Get a code example here
2. Text-Based CAPTCHAs:
These CAPTCHAs present distorted or obfuscated text that users must understand and enter into a text box. Examples include:
• Image CAPTCHA:
A distorted image of text characters that the user needs to type out correctly.

How to solve it?
Sudo code to solve this type of captcha:
- First, you will get the captcha image URL and will convert it into base64 encoded
- Then you will send this base64 image to Capsolver Api
- Enter the text that you received in response from Api, in the text box
Get a code example here
• Speech-to-Text CAPTCHA:
An audio clip of distorted speech that users must listen to and then type out what they hear.

A simple mathematical problem (e.g., addition, subtraction, or multiplication) that users need to solve.

How to solve it?
This CAPTCHA can be solved similarly to the Image CAPTCHA that we saw before. What you have to do is when you will get the text from the response you have to evaluate the question. I recommend you to do it by executing javascript, just remove “=” and “?” from the text and then evaluate the expression by Javascript.
Get a code example here
3. Image Recognition CAPTCHAs:
These CAPTCHAs require users to identify and select specific objects or elements within an image.

How to solve it?
Now, this type of captcha is most challenging to solve, but don’t worry it is also fun.
Sudo code to solve this type of captcha:
- First of all, you will get the captcha image and convert it into a base64 string
- Send this base64 string to capsolver API along with the object name, that we have to select
For example, in the above image, the object is “motorcycles”. - Now you will get the response to the number of boxes in which your object is present.
- Now you will get all the image box elements. And save it in the list.
And, iterate over the list and click on the box, if its index is present in our solution (response form API). - And then click on the verify button.
Get a code example here